Please be aware that the information in this article is valid only during the promo period and may not be applicable afterward.
How does the Power Hub Promo works?
The Power Hub Promo is intended to reward an additional $USDV into the Power Hub.
For every Data-NFT Level 3 that you mint during inPersona's first Epoch, you will receive 3,000 $USDV in your Power Hub in the following Epoch.
If you reach a minimum of 20,000 payable $USDV by the end of the first Epoch, you will receive an additional 40,000 $USDV in your Power Hub in the following Epoch.
Please note:
There is no cap limit to this promo.
Data-NFTs Level 3 minted with a 100% Voucher Redemption Code are not eligible for this Promo.
Data-NFTs Level 3 minted with a 100 USD Voucher Redemption Code are eligible for this Promo.
This promo end the 27th February 2023 at 11:59 PM (GMT+8)