To ensure that you are maximizing your reward, it is important to sync your device with the Helo Smart App at least once a day. Additionally, make sure that you are wearing your device correctly. |
You can receive $VSC while tracking your wellness.
It's a win-win situation!
Disclaimer: This announcement about inPersona HealthFi Reward and the Helo device is for informational purposes only. We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the content and are not responsible for any loss, damages, or consequences arising from its use. The availability and functionality of HealthFi Reward and the amount of $VSC earned may change without notice. Users should read the terms and conditions before participating.
Users are responsible for syncing their Helo device with the Helo Smart App and ensuring proper use. We are not liable for issues arising from improper use or technical difficulties. This announcement does not constitute medical advice; consult a healthcare professional before making decisions related to health and wellness. For questions about HealthFi, visit the inPersona Info Center or contact appropriate support channels.