Starting from Epoch #63, and continuing through Monday, June 3* (Epoch #67), when you produce at least 1000 USDV in sales from Connections, we’ll double your HV (Hub Volume, formerly SV) to 100% (rather than 50%) on all NFT Stake sales from Levels 0 through 4.
The additional 50% HV is added as part of the Community Pool USDV Reward calculation and will be calculated starting from the epoch the 1000 USDV sales is achieved* and paid epoch by epoch.
For example, if you reach this threshold during the first week, such as by Friday, May 3 (Epoch #63), you will receive 100% HV for all the weeks of this special offer.
However, if you reach the 1000 USDV threshold on May 15 (Epoch #65), you will participate only in the epochs #65, #66, and #67.
*Based on 11:59 p.m. Singapore Standard Time.
*The 1000 USDV sales can be cumulative, but you will be eligible for 100% HV from NFT Stake sales only from the epoch the whole 1000 USDV goal is reached.