InPersona offers Device Redemption Codes and Voucher Redemption Codes that you can find in your inPersona DApp Shop, in the Vouchers & Promos section.
- Device Redemption Codes (Discontinued) are virtual unique codes for the shop that grant free or discounted products at checkout. In case of multiple wearable devices added to the cart, only one item, where applicable, the higher priced item will be the recipient of the redeemed code.
- Voucher Redemption Codes are virtual unique codes for the inPersona DApp shop that grant free or discounted products during checkout.
List of Vouchers and Promo Codes:
- NODExxxxx (To activate Nodes)
VAIPROxxxxxx (To activate VAI OS)
To use in the SocialHub Console Section of the inPersona Shop:
- HBxxxxxx (100% off SocialHub Console)
To use in the Legacy Section of the inPersona Shop:
- NFTUPxxxx (Data NFT Owner upgrade)
Please note:
Using the Voucher Redemption Code for free NFT did not produce any Device Redemption Code.
* Each member can have only one SocialHub Console per profile.
To use in the SocialHub Console Section of the inPersona Shop:
- GMCxxxxx (100% off SocialHub Console) - Discontinued since December 31, 2024 11:59 PM SGT
To use in the Legacy Section of the inPersona Shop:
- GFxxxxx (100% off Data-NFT Level 3+ SocialHub Console*) - Discontinued since April 30th, 2024 11:59 PM SGT
- L2Nxxxxx (100% off Data-NFT Level 2 + SocialHub Console*) - Discontinued since April 30th, 2024 11:59 PM SGT
- SEEDVxxxxx ($299 value) - Discontinued since April 30th, 2024 11:59 PM SGT
- SEEDxxxx (SEED feature activation) - Discontinued since April 30th, 2024 11:59 PM SGT
- NFTBxxxx (Data NFT Owner Basic) - Discontinued