Maximize this promotion through Sept. 30
The VAI OS Private Launch pack offers 100% HV, which is one reason why our 100% HV offered on NFT stake sales and double payable USDV for Influencer advancement came to an end.
But, in one way, this doubling isn’t gone quite yet.
For advancement calculations only, from Tuesday, Aug. 27, through Monday, Sept. 30, we will consider doubling the payable USDV for a given epoch when all of these criteria are met:
Purchase the VAI Private Launch pack (by Sept. 30) | Sell at least 2 VAI Private Launch packs (by Sept. 30) | Achieve a payable USDV of at least 15,000 for the epoch. |
For any epoch in which you meet all three conditions, we will double the payable for new Influencer advancement calculation purposes only.
In the current epoch, you meet only the first criteria of the VAI launch pack purchase: Not qualified.
In the following epoch, you meet the first and third criteria, and have sold one VAI launch pack: Not qualified.
In the third epoch, you sell your second VAI launch pack and have 16,000 USDV: Qualified, payable for the advancement calculation will be doubled.
In the fourth epoch, you have 14,000 USDV: Not qualified.
In the final epoch (ending Sept. 30), you have 17,500 USDV: Qualified, payable for the advancement calculation will be doubled.
Maximize this opportunity to achieve your next advancement!