With the imminent publication of the VAI Token White Paper, and with International Convention 2024 now just weeks away, we’re making some enhancements to the VAI OS Private Sale pack to add even more excitement and momentum in the coming weeks, as follows:
The pack will include 2,000 VAI Tokens until the Private Sale ends on Monday, Nov. 25. Instead of the token count changing up to the end of the Private Sale period, it will now remain at 2,000. For any who purchased the pack on or after Tuesday, Oct. 8 to Monday, Oct. 28, we will add 400 Tokens to you. So instead of 1,600 Tokens, you will have 2,000. |
We previously announced a promotion giving 400 VAI Tokens to those who purchased a Private Sale pack with the 1,600 Tokens when they sold the same pack. Now, anyone who has purchased a VAI Private Sale pack at any time and generates a sale of a VAI Private Sale pack in their Hubs will receive additional 400 VAI tokens, limited to once per account. These bonus Tokens will be awarded after Monday, November 25. |
These are exciting developments that can help all Influencers, but there’s even more!
Starting from Tuesday, Oct. 22, and ending with the final epoch before Convention (Monday, Nov. 18), you can boost your Influencer rank, like before. For rank calculations only, we will consider doubling the payable USDV when these two criteria are met:
Purchase the VAI Private Launch pack; and | Sell at least 2 VAI Private Launch packs |
Do that and we will double the payable for new Influencer rank calculation purposes only. Some of you have already achieved this!
We’re looking forward to how these enhancements will spark even greater activity centered around the VAI OS Private Sale pack.