BioSense Band
- How can I perform a BIA reading with BioSense?
- BioSense Band Documents
- Does BioSense generate harmful radiation?
- What can I measure with BioSense? How do I launch health measurements with BioSense?
- What do the LED on the button of my BioSense mean?
- What are the functions of the BioSense Touch Button?
- Data Storage on BioSense: Storage Duration, Deletion Options, and Blockchain Usage
- How can I change the wearing manner on my BioSense?
- How can I change the Temperature format on BioSense?
- How do I turn BioSense on and off?
- Do I need to calibrate BioSense on first use?
- How can I measure APG with BioSense front fingertip sensor?
- How can I measure Heart Rate with BioSense?
- How can I measure Energy Level with BioSense?
- How can I manually measure the Stress Level with BioSense?
- How can I measure the Breath Rate with BioSense?
- What is the function of the golden/silver sides of the Band? How can I perform a BIA reading with BioSense?
- How can I measure the Skin Temperature with BioSense?
- How does BioSense measure my sleep mode?
- Can I set the Auto-Heart rate on BioSense?
- How does BioSense calculate steps?
- How to Check the Battery Status, Battery Life, and Charging Instructions for BioSense
- Is BioSense waterproof?
- Does my BioSense have VyvoPay integrated?
- How to Pair, Unpair, and Check the Connection Status of the Biosense with the App?
- How do I Reset or Restart BioSense?
- Data measurements and synchronisation issues
- BioSense device maintenance tips