BioSense Ring
- BioSense Ring 文件資料
- BioSense 戒指有哪些尺寸可供選擇,我該如何選擇適合的尺寸?
- 更換購買錯誤尺寸的 Biosense Ring 戒指
- 我注意到 BioSense Ring 戒指與其他裝置相比,推估結果不同,為什麼會有差異?
- BioSense Ring 戒指有哪些健康功能?
- 在 BioSense Ring 戒指應用程式中的「裝置」頁面可以找到哪些資訊?
BioSense Band
- 如何透過 BioSense 測量生物電阻分析 (BIA)
- BioSense Band Documents
- BioSense 是否會產生有害輻射?
- 我可以用 BioSense 測量哪些數據?您該如何啟動BioSense 智能健康手環的健康測量呢?
- BioSense 正面中間 LED 燈號訊息為何?
- BioSense 開機按鈕有哪些功能?
LifeWatch Generation 2
- 如何透過 Watch 2 智能生活手錶推估 BIA?
- Watch Generation 2 Documents
- Getting Started with Watch Generation 2
- Watch 2 智能生活手錶有哪些健康功能,我該如何使用呢?
- What are the Menu features of my LifeWatch Generation 2?
- How can I measure the APG on my Watch Generation 2?
Watch Lite SE
- Watch Lite SE Documents
- How can I change the Watch Lite SE straps?
- What are the Menu features of my Watch Lite SE?
- Watch Lite (SE) 智能生活手錶有哪些健康功能,我該如何使用呢?
- How does Watch Lite SE measure my sleep mode?
- Watch Lite SE Sensors function
Vyvo Smart App
- 監護功能:完整教學
- Vyvo Smart 應用程式: 下載並設定您的應用程式
- Vyvo Smart 應用程式中的「手動推估」功能是什麼?
- Vyvo Smart App: 社群資源
- Vyvo Smart App: 健康指數是如何運作?
- 為什麼我無法登入 Vyvo Smart 應用程式?
BIA 生物電阻分析
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- Is the SpO₂ automatic?
- Can SpO₂ detect hypoxemia?
- I can't find the SpO₂ on my App data page.
- I've tried to perform a SpO₂ measurement on my Watch, but a message about BP calibration appeared on the screen. Does the SpO₂ needs to be calibrated?
- How can I check past records of my SpO₂?
- What is a normal oxygen saturation level value?
Atrial Fibrillation (AFib)
APG 加速度光體積變化描記圖法
- Is the Energy measurement automatic? Can I manually measure my Energy level?
- What are the numbers that appear next to each result and on the top of the Energy page in the App?
- Does the Energy feature need to be calibrated?
- Can I share my Energy result with someone else?
- How can I check past records of my Energy feature?
- What is the Energy feature, and what can I do with it?
- What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?
- What does “Activity HR” mean, and what are the numbers at the bottom of the Heart Rate page in the App?
- In which way does the Heart Rate combine its reports with the Sports mode activity?
- Does the Heart Rate need to be calibrated?
- Can I share my Heart Rate result with someone else?
- How can I check past records of my Heart Rate?
- Can I use the Skin Temperature feature as a thermometer?
- How accurate is the Skin Temperature feature?
- Can my skin temperature be affected by external factors?
- How can I check a specific hour data of my Skin Temperature recorded during the day?
- Does the Skin Temperature feature detect a person's illness?
- How can I obtain an accurate result with Skin Temperature measurement?
- Is the Stress Level measurement automatic? Can I manually measure my Stress Level?
- What is the number displayed next to each result on the Stress Level page?
- Does the Stress Level need to be calibrated?
- Can I share my Stress Level result with someone else?
- How can I check past records of my Stress Level?
- What is the Stress Level feature, and what can I do with it?
- Sleep disturbances: a complete guide.
- What is Heart Rate Variability (HRV)?
- How can I monitor the REM Sleep phase?
- When is Sleep Analysis active?
- Does the Sleep Analysis need to be calibrated?
- Does my device needs to be on while I sleep to generate Sleep Analysis data?